Art & Culture
Home to approximately 126 tribal groups, most of these comprise small communities that are gradually being assimilated into the larger population due to changes in land use and the economic draw of city life. Tribal diversity is prized and far from being a source of division, Tanzanians place a high value on their country's multicultural heritage. Art Tanzania is famous worldwide for wood sculpture generally known as Makonde Art, a tribe originated from the southern part.

Traditionally, people painted on walls, or leather or on stones. Paintings reflect scenes of village or town lives and stylized animals, birds or reflections of superstitious beliefs. More recently, Tanzanians have developed indigenous form of art mainly very colourful images of life in the community, nature, evil spirits, etc. The founder of this form of art was a person from the “makua” tribe of southern Tanzania called Edward Said Tingatinga.
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